All course content is purchased for the named person for their own professional development. While we hope that you love the ideas and share them, the videos should not be shared, presented or reused for profit or not. If you want to bring this work schoolwide, contact us for a heavily discounted rate AND customized support.
We worked hard to create the supporting materials–they may be shared within your learning community, with attribution, but they are not to be publicly posted, reproduced, or altered without prior permission.
We reference many other authors, programs, and curricula and have respected copyright and trademark in how we share their work, mainly by directing you to their resources directly.
We love working with teachers. We love sharing ideas and hearing stories of what works and what doesn’t. We can’t wait to hear that you tried something new and want to share something new with others. We ask that you direct others to www.filippiniconsulting.com where they can work directly with us. Thank you!
Reach out to us directly at [email protected] with comments or questions about the materials and how we can support you in accessing or sharing them. We believe in the power of yet and value your feedback.